Member-only story
I sat on the couch in the dark room next to Brittany, a cute twenty-something mousey girl. We engaged in mundane small talk while we watched several naked couples fucking on queen sized mattresses that filled the floor of the otherwise empty playroom. It was strangely erotic.
She spoke with a twang as she was from Memphis and told me that she was the first mate on a pirate ship — I don’t think you can make that up. Brittany worked with her boyfriend, and as summer was nearing the end, she was looking for new work. I told her I was a writer and was just here to watch. She said she wasn’t sure if she was going to hook up.
My eyes drifted towards Phil, a fifty-year-old cherub who resembled a curly haired Jewish Pillsbury Dough Boy. I was his guest. He was naked and in the early stage of coitus with Dawn, also naked, an adorable thirty-year-old Hampshire grad with a warm smile and a nose piercing. She worked at Starbucks and was translating a French novel a friend of hers had written. Just prior she was fully clothed, and we were talking about Amherst; she intrigued me. Phil laughed and remarked, “Are you really talking about college?” He made some sort of mating gesture to Dawn who nodded and took his hand. As they headed towards a mattress, he asked if I wanted to come over with them to watch. “No.”